Fire Protection Systems To Enhance The Safety Of Lives

The installation of a fire protection system holds a prominent place in enhancing the safety and security of the building.

At present, you can make use of both active and passive forms of fire protection systems in buildings to ensure their safety and security.

Passive Fire Protection Systems


The installation of a fire protection system holds a prominent place in enhancing the safety and security of the building.

At present, you can make use of both active and passive forms of fire protection systems in buildings to ensure their safety and security.

Passive Fire Protection Systems

What is a passive fire protection system and what are its advantages over an active fire protection system in ensuring the safety and security of the building?

These questions are commonly heard from people while doing the building construction works of a commercial building.

Let's see here the importance of introducing a passive fire protection system in the buildings.

Benefits of Passive Fire Protection Systems

When compared to the active fire protection system, the passive fire protection system assure a high return on the investment value.

The cost of installation and the price rate of the passive fire protection system is generally higher than the active fire protection system.

Even though the price rate for the installation is a little bit higher in value than the active fire protection system, you can assure the best return on the investment value by its usage.

There is no need for testing requirements in the case of passive fire protection systems.

The spread of fire from one place to another during the time of fire accidents can cause several damages to the objects in the building.

This condition can be prevented by the introduction of a sufficient passive fire protection system in the buildings while doing its construction works.

Use Steel Coated Cable Wires

The provision of steel coated cable wires is one of the best methods of passive fire protection systems that can be included for the buildings under construction works.

At present, you can avail of cable wires coated with several non-inflammable materials to prevent the spread of fire attack.

Today, you can also avail of fire and smoke sensor alarm systems to make people aware of the risk of fire damage in the buildings.

The smoke and the fire alarm system generally make use of sensors to detect the temperature variation in the provided space of the building.

Use Fireproof Coated Painting

Similar to steel protected electrical cable wires, you can also make use of fireproof coated painting on walls and floor to prevent the spread of fire from one place to another in buildings.

At present, the majority of the commercial buildings used to install underground fire mains to ensure the safety of people.

To promote the safety and security of the objects and the lives of people in the building, it is also recommended to provide fire sprinkler systems and fire pumps inside the buildings.